Wednesday, February 8, 2012


So I know its been while since my last post, but today is a very special for us. Kade is turning one today! I honestly think the mother should be celebrated to, but what do I know really?! I thought I would share his birth story since I havent done that yet...I think :) Its so fun for me to look back and reminiscence so I hope you enjoy too!

He’s here! 5 days early, but here! To start his story I have to go way back. According to MY calculations and MY understanding, his due date was Feb. 23rd 2011. At the 12 week appointment when we hear the heartbeat, our doctor couldn’t find it, so we were sent to the hospital to get an ultra sound (not the calmest car ride…) Turns out he was just higher than usual and all was gre
at. According to his measurements he was 10 days farther along than we thought and our due date was moved to the 13th of Feb. However, our doctor has already made plans for his anniversary trip with his wife following the first due date and would be gone the 4th to the 13. I was a little worried but still thought he’s come after the 13th (I was quite
confident in my own calculations!) Two weeks before he was due I was 40 % effaced and 1 centimeter dilated. Doctor Taylor didn’t think I’d make it to the 13th so he introduced us to doctor McLay who would be taking his place. A week later on Feb. 7 we went in for our check up with Dr. McLay and I was 60% effaced and 2 centimeters dilated. He told me he thought our baby would come that week.
I went home not feeling very well, having lots of Braxton hicks and feeling very uncomfortable. I thought it was just because McLay checked me different than I was used to. At 4:00 am on Feb 8 my ‘tummy’ started to bother (just like it did with Shay). I went to the bathroom, but nothing happened or helped. Walked around the house, nothing- still hurt. At 4:30 am it dawned on me…I was having contractions, I was in labor! I got back into bed and started counting. They were about 10 minutes apart and hurt, more than I remember. I ended up accidently waking up Zack by squeezing his wrist every 10 minutes. We decided around 5:30am that Zack wasn’t going to go to his student teaching. At 6:00 Zack called his mom to be on standby to watch Shay and I called my mom and told her things were happening. While on the phone with her my contractions sped up to 5 minutes apart. They hurt. We woke up Shay at 7 and got ready for the day. Zack called the neighbors and took Shay over until his mom could get up here. We got to the hospital around 8:30am. My contractions were 3-5 minutes apart and were starting to hurt more and more. They definitely got stronger, faster, this time around. We checked in and finally made it to the maternity floor (with lots of stops because I couldn’t move when I had a contraction). Turns out it was a very busy day at the Payson hospital. We took the last available room (rm. 16). When our nurse came in to see how far I was she was sweating from running around to
all the other mommies in labor. I was still the same as the day before so I was pretty bummed. They told me they’d wait 1 hour to see if I changed but the nurse said at the rate my contraction were going she was sure I’d stay. 2 hours later our nurse (Marie) came into
check me again. My contractions hurt so
bad and I was getting pretty emotional and weepy. I was dilated to a 4 and 80% effaced, so our nurse called the doctor and he had us stay. They asked how much I hurt and when I wanted the epidural. I told them I hurt a lot and wanted the medicine immediately. She told me I had to wait until I’d gotten at least ½ a bag of water through I.V. She gave me the I.V. (in my arm which I thought was odd.) Zack held my hand and covered my eyes so I couldn’t watch her do it. When I finally did look, Marie had blood on her scrubs and my hand had it all over. I got concerned but she said not to worry about it. They brought lunch in for Zack to eat and we turned on the TV. I only got after Zack once when he didn’t give me the attention I wanted during a contraction. Very selfish of me…but I hurt! 2 hours later the anesthesiologist came in (this was around 2 in the afternoon). He (like all the other people who came in) tried to talk to me during the contractions. I couldn’t breathe much less talk. They had me lay on my side this time to get the epidural. REALLY hurt. (for sure prefer sitting up to laying down.) Zack held my legs up to my chest (as much as he could with my huge belly), held my hand, and kept eye contact the whole time. I finally cried. Once I felt the medicine starting to work on my legs, I had one last contraction (that I could feel). They sent a shock through my body which meant that my nerves were still working. That hurt to and scared both me and Zack. I was finally able to rest a little bit. They gave me one dose of medicine for the strep B (which I tested positive for…again!) A few minutes later it dawned on me that they hadn’t given me a catheter yet. I mentioned it to Zack who asked a nurse who told me they were making sure the epidural was working first. When Marie came in she said (much to my embarrassment) “whoops! Looks like you had a little accident!” I was mortified! I apologized and she insisted it wasn’t my fault and happened all the time. Zack just laughed. She checked me around 2:20 (30 minutes after I’d gotten the epidural) and I was 100% effaced and 6 centimeters dilated. She called our doctor and he told her he’d be at the hospital after clinic, which got over at 5. They moved a pillow under one side of me to prop me up so the epidural medicine wouldn’t pool. But every time they put the pillow under my left side the baby’s heart rate would drop so they kept it under my right side the whole time (making my left leg completely useless). I was so thirsty during the labor and they won’t let you drink anything in case of a C-section or something like that. But I was so thirsty; I let the ice in my cup melt so I could actually drink something! I’m so sneaky! Around 4 they gave me oxygen and another nurse checked me again. I was ‘complete’ fully dilated and ready to go. My water which was ‘bulging’ was the only thing stopping him from coming.

Marie called our doctor and told him he couldn’t wait and had to get there now. She told me, “I’m not going to deliver this baby, so he better get here in time!” During the wait we talked with her and found out that her brother is in my parents ward in PA…what are the chances?! Small world! The baby’s heart rate started going all weird and she said it was because he was going further into the birth canal and was very close to delivering. I was able to watch them get everything ready for the delivery and was very calm. Much different than the first delivering experience! It was really quite exciting and I wasn’t nervous at all. Our doctor got there at 5 pm, checked me, and was very impressed my water hadn’t broken yet. Breaking my water was VERY embarrassing. He barely touched it with the hook and it exploded all over him! Zack laughed and I was, once again, mortified! It looked and sounded like a water balloon popping! Marie laughed too said it wasn’t the first time and it wouldn’t be the last. About 10 minutes later (after all the ‘mess’ was cleaned

up…so embarrassing!) I started pushing. I actually felt the ‘need to push’ this time. My contractions were still 3-5 minutes apart so it was a very laid back, relaxing time. Very different experience than shaylie. I was told to push 3 times during each contraction. Zack counted to ten each time for me. He started out counting fast, and then the nurse told him to slow down. I had 4 contractions, pushed a total of 20 minutes, 12 pushes, and then…there he was. He was beautiful. Absolutely perfect. Zack and I were both weepy. I was able to touch his little head before they took him to get cleaned up. Zack told our doctor before we started pushing that he didn’t want to cut the cord, so he took the video camera and camera over to the new baby while they cleaned him, and weighed, etc. I was able to watch everything they did and loved it. He screamed for about a minute and then he was totally quiet looking around at everything. During all this the Doctor delivered my placenta without me even knowing. Zack came back over to me a little bit later and said, “Ready to do the placenta?” Our doctor laughed and showed both of us that it was already out. The placenta scared us the most because of the experience with Shaylie. Second time…much smoother ride! Doctor McLay told me that I tore just a little bit called it a ‘stretch-tear’ and I only needed 4 stitches to fix it up. I was finally able to hold my little boy. They told me he was

6 lbs. 7 ounces and 18 and ½ inches long, and perfect. I was expecting a boy version of Shaylie, since that’s all I had to compare him too, but he didn’t look like her. Both beautiful, both healthy, both happy, both perfect, but different. I fell instantly in love with him. He was so tiny and looked at me with great big eyes. The sciatica during pregnancy, the contractions, and the delivery were all worth it just to finally hold him in my arms. We took pictures of him and sent them off to people and then I called my mom. She was very weepy. Happy for us and wishing she was there. I started shaking pretty good a little bit after I had him and felt terribly cold, just like I did when I had Shay, but this time I was expecting it. Zack had to take the baby from me after a bit because we were both a little worried I’d drop him. After spending some mommy, daddy and baby time

together they took him to the nursery and such things to be observed. I was finally able to eat and drink and had the little man just in time for dinner! I did have some difficulty eating because of the shaking, but I was famished! Around 8 Zacks family showed up and talked with us until the nurses came in to move me to my recovery room. Zacks family went to the nursery to see the baby and 3 nurses came in to help me move. They tried to get me to the bathroom but that one leg…just wouldn’t work. Zack had to hold me up until they got a wheelchair under me. They told me I didn’t have to use the bathroom until I felt ready or got feeling back in that leg. They moved me to my new room (rm. 7) and helped me into the bed. The Ports Brought Shaylie to us and then a nurse brought in the new baby. I loved showing Shaylie her new little brother. She loved on him and did so good. At first she was scared of me because I still had things in my arms but we got over that! She touched the baby’s little nose and thought he was great. I hated having her leave but it was getting late. Zack stayed with me until everyone had gone then he went home to be with Shay.

Somewhere in the night time I was finally able to use my leg, and with the help of a nurse, use the bathroom. The next morning Medicaid people stopped my asking for the baby’s information.
Zack and I hadn’t decided on a name yet, but the Medicaid guy said they couldn’t leave until they had one. So…I named him! Zack and I had two names (kade and Gavin) in mind and we were leaning more towards one than the other, but the middle name was the big discussion.
I wanted Zacheriah, he wanted Richard. I won! We named him Kade Zacheriah Port. And it fits him. We took him home Thursday Feb. 10. We love this new little adventure in our lives! Shaylie is wonderful with her new brother and I’m already wondering how I was living without him. Zack adores this new little man. They are little studs together. Heavenly Father has blessed us a great deal and I feel so lucky to have such a beautiful, happy family.

Name: Kade Zacheriah Port

Weight: 6 pounds 7 ounces

Hieght: 18 ½ inches

Labor 13 ½ hours

Birth date/time : Feburary 8th 2011 at 5:31 pm

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

We survived the weekend! Thursday was Thanksgiving and since we are oh so rich, we ended up staying here in Sunsites and had a thanksgiving lunch with our ward. It was very nice, however not anything like what Zack and I are used to. We have been very spoiled by our families and it was difficult not to be with them for the holiday. Friday we Left early in the morning and drove the 3 1/2 hours to Mesa to have a get together with Zacks extended family. It was nice and I met a lot of new people, and also re-met some. We spent the night at his uncle Rays house. I couldn't get over how much he looked like Lincoln! On Saturday we met up with my friend from High school who moved down here a few months before we did, Katie Sparks (williams). We went to Brass Pro Shops and Zack had an absolute hayday playing and wishing in that store. We made a few other stops and had lunch with our buddies. Our children started getting grumpy so we made the long trek home. That sums up the Thanksgiving adventure of 2011.

Today Zacks Basketball team (JV-which is what he coaches) won their game! I took the kids to go see it and they did great. Lots of whistles blowing and people cheering to keep them on their toes. Zack left early and we were able to enjoy some family time at Pizza hut. Zack was formally evaluated for the first time today and he said it went great. He did misspell worship as 'Whorship' and the kids got a huge kick out of that!

Shaylie has been having some attitude stress lately and so I've cut out all candy privileges. Doesn't seem to be helping. She's a big sweetheart, and very shy, but with me she is just a naughty some times! We took zack to meet up with the bus to take him down to get his car tonight and Shay got after me for leaving him! "He was just talking with that man mom and you left him! He's all alone now! Poor daddy. He needs his Shay!" After some calming down and a talk to daddy on the phone she was okay :)

Remember in my last post when I said Kade isn't really showing any real interest in walking? I guess I was lying. In the last two or three days he's taken a step or two. Mostly falling forward, but he loves to get up and try again. He's such a happy baby. He gives me kisses and loves to roll on people. I still cant get him to sleep through the night and I"m currently blaming it on the many teeth he's cutting. He's a big boy. At his 9 month check up he weighed 21lbs and was 27inch long (head was 17 inch) he's growing up so fast!

Last Saturday we decided to help support Zacks School by getting our pictures taken for a fund raiser. They turned out on cared to tell me that I had too much make up over ONE eye. The kids took great pictures though!! She was able to get them to both smile at the same time!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


So...its been a while! So very much has happened so I'll try and report the short version of things :) To start off, Zack got a job! The end of June he was interviewed and offered a job at Valley Union High School in...Elfrida Arizona. It is about 50 miles from the border. I had very mixed feelings about the move but Zack was so excited and happy. We moved the last weekend in July to a home we were going to rent until we closed on a house.

Leaving was very hard for all of us. Saying good bye to friends and family isn't the most fun thing to do. We cried but survived.

We moved to a place called Pearce (Sunsites). It is a retirement community :) We had some stress closing on the first house we wanted but ended up getting a fully furnished home that we just love. We moved in the first week of October.

Of course the most fun thing to talk about are my kids. Shay struggled the first little bit after the move. She really missed her friend Lydia. there are little to no children her age here. She really regressed with the potty but things are back to normal now. She has been very helpful to me and has made things much easier...some days :) Kade is growing by leaps and bounds! He now has two teeth and about three more are fighting their way through. He crawls everywhere and
has just recently started to stand on his own. He shows very little interest in walking but he's still just a little guy. They are learning to get along with each other. Shay is struggling with it more than Kade because now the baby who used to just lay there can move and get her.

Shaylie had her 3rd birthday! I'm getting old! She got many presents in the mail and we had a family in the ward come over and play. She had a great day.

About the middle of October my dad and Tami surprised me! My dad told me he sent a suitcase with a friend I needed to pick up at the airport. I picked him up instead! Then two days later when I thought I was dropping him off to go home, I picked up Tami! They both stayed for another three days. It was the best surprise ever! I loved having them with me!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Zacks Graduation!

Zack Graduated with his Bachelors or Science in Secondary History education on April 29, 2011 at 1:00pm. We started the day by giving him little presents.

My mom gave him a UVU tie that he's been wanting and he wore it under his gown. The kids and I gave him UVU shorts, since he also has Snow college shorts, I figured he could add these to his collection.

After the Graduation stuff was all over, I had put together a little surprise party for him. He thought that just his family would be there to surprise him, but I got as many friends and neighbors as I could. I was surprised and told me he had a great night. I was so stressed about it! So glad it all fell into place!

This was taken right after he walked off the stage. We were both trying to be quick about it and neither of us noticed that the folder was upside down...opps! Richard was trying to take a picture next to my and accidently pushed the button to turn the camera off :) I kind of had to giggle. He walked around to where Zack was sitting and took another one!

Right along those same lines, I left the video camera with my mom to video tap. I quickly told her how to do it then ran off to take picture of Zack. When I came back, it turns out she had pushed the wrong button and missed the whole thing. I thought it was funny but she felt so terribly bad. Its not a problem at all though. Even Zack said all he needed were the pictures. Still, She was on the verge of tears. Darn technology! :)

This is Zack and his buddy T. J. Ballard. They were both history Majors and helped each other quite a bit through the two years they were together. They still talk and Zack says he thinks they will be the kind of friends that keep in touch and help each other out with teaching. I'm so glad he has a friend like this to help him out and relate to.

Nana Chele came to visit us a few days before Zack graduated. She came for his graduation, two weddings, and to take Tami home. She was a great help to me and the kiddos just love her to death! I hope I can be half the mom she is.

We found this graduation headband at the dollar cant pass up something this cute for just a dollar. It was a surprise for Zack and he thought it was awesome!

Taken before Zack left for graduation.

Zack with his parents after he graduated

Zack with Nana chele after he graduated. Thats sums up all of us that were there. We went to eat at cafe rio afterwards. Richard had to go home to work, Anita took Zack shopping, while I took my mom and kids home to get ready for the surprise party! It was a long fun day! And the kids were awesome!


So we're been pretty busy this last little bit with holidays, graduation, weddings, and so on that I havent been able to blog so much. I'll try and update as best I can. Wont have as many fun stories...but I'll make up for that later I guess! First on the list, Easter.

And what is Eater without coloring eggs? It started out fun enough, but in the end (as is expected) we had a lovely mess of color. Justin and Caitlin came over to do them with us. I get eggs for free through WIC but dont seem to go through them very fast, so this was a next excuse to us them!

Shay got this lovely little dress and LOVES wearing it. She was so excited about her Easter Basket too. She was actually with me when I went to store to get everything, which she reminded me later. We gave Zack his basket first, and kept saying, "Shaylie pink basket go? Suckers go?" She's a smart one, so I guess I'll have to go alone next time!

She also got new sandals to wear with this and for Lincoln and audree's wedding, but I didn't put them on until we were done taking pictures...of course.

Kade screamed every time we tried to sit him next to shay for a picture so we resulted in Zack holding him out next to shay. Which she was fine with because it meant she could show off her dress and hold her basket at the same time.

Looking at this picture I think he was actually trying to sleep and kept waking him wonder he screamed at us! We went to Wales to watch Grandpa Port get set apart. See that lovely white shirt he's wearing? Want to guess what he did to that lovely white shirt during sacrament? yeah...right up the back! Luckily he was wearing a sweater vest to cover it up! Boys are just so gross! The day before we went up to Logan to be with Audree and jessi when they took out their endowments...he did it at the lunch afterward too! Only when we're away from the house!

Not the most flattering picture ever taken, but this is us in our Easter attire!

Keeping track!

So I've decided I'm going to try and take pictures of Shaylie every time she lines things up in her perfect little way! It'll be so much more fun to tease her when she's older if I actually have proof! Here's my quirky little girl:

Pieces of a puzzle book. The line might not be straight, but you get the idea!

The plates to her tea cup sets. I think the crown adds a little something extra too!

Nana got her this princess puzzle which she loves! It can connect in all sorts of ways, but straight in a line is the only way she does it!
Nana also got her a puzzle where you can dress a bear. She lined up the shirts (body), the heads, and the shoes into their own lines...what a smarty pants!
These are all our non-working electronics. First she stacked them on top of each other and when that didn't work, she lined them all up so neatly! I'll be keeping the camera handy to see if I can get any more of them!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Quirky Daughter

This is kind of a funny story. My family, and many others, believe me to be a bit...OCD when it comes to certain things. I've always joked that it just makes me a better person, even though it seems to annoy most people :) Last fall I took a psychology class where I learned about an OCD something or other that is a sign of a mental handicap. That 'something or other' was the need to put things in rows. Lining things up over and over again. Now just to be clear, Shaylie does not have a mental disorder :) She's just a little OCD like someone else...Anyways, I brought this subject up with Zack when we noticed Shaylie doing this...

These are her new pull ups...

She how hard she works...

To put them in such straight and perfect lines...

and to freak out her daddy just a little bit...

At first Zack was super worried when it dawned on him that Shaylie does this with cookies before she eats them, stickers on a paper, beads, books, stuffed animals, etc. But I think I finally convinced him that she's just a little quirky :)

(make sure to read the last blog I posted! Cute pictures!)